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A Field Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent covers all 1300 species of birds found on the Indian subcontinent in a format which is both authoritative and which can be carried easily on a field trip. Ber van Perlo and Krys Kazmierczak have followed the successful formula laid down in van Perlo's Collins Illustrated Checklist: Birds of Eastern Africa and have produced a book that will make the field identification of Indian birds much simpler.
Krys Kazmierczak is a British ornithologist with an extensive knowledge of birds and birding in the Indian Subcontinent having lead many bird tours in the region. As well as running his own natural history tour company, Krys has worked as a freelance writer and now edits the image database of the Oriental Bird Club, Oriental Bird Images. He runs the internet discussion groups OrientalBirding and OrientalBirdingPix.
352 pages
96 colour plates, b/w illustrations, distribution maps
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