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Where to Watch Birds in Surrey and Sussex£27.99 £24.99
The Birds of Dorset£40.00 £25.99
Where to Watch Birds in Britain£30.00 £26.99
The Helm Guide to Bird Identification£32.50 £28.99
Gulls of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East: An Identification Guide£35.00 £29.99
The Marsh Tit and The Willow Tit£35.00 £30.99
Gulls of the World: A Photographic Guide£35.00 £31.50
Flight Identification of European Passerines and Select Landbirds£38.00 £32.99
Flight Identification of Raptors of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East£45.00 £36.99
Birds in England£53.99 £39.99
Birds New to Britain: 1980-2004£50.00 £39.99
The Birds of Derbyshire£59.99 £39.99