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The Birds of Essex£39.99
The Birds of Gloucestershire£59.99 £39.99
The Birds of Gwent£39.99
The Birds of Norfolk£39.99
The Status of Birds in Britain and Ireland£50.00 £39.99
The Bird Atlas of Norfolk: Summer and Winter Distributions 1999-2007£45.00 £42.99
Guide to Gulls of Europe, Asia and North America£50.00 £44.95
Identification Guide to Birds in the Hand£44.99
Multimedia Identification Guide to North Atlantic Seabirds: Albatrosses and Fulmarine Petrels£44.99
Multimedia Identification Guide to North Atlantic Seabirds: Shearwaters, Jouanin's & White-chinned Petrels£44.99
The Birds of Leicestershire and Rutland£50.00 £44.99
The Flora of Worcestershire£49.95