Finding Birds in Western Andalucia

Finding Birds in Western Andalucia
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This is the book that tells you exactly where you can see birds such as Great Bustard, Little Bustard, Marbled Duck, White-headed Duck, Purple Swamphen, Rufous Scrub-robin, Red-necked Nightjar, Little Swift, White-rumped Swift and even House Bunting, Bald Ibis and Laughing Dove. It covers the areas of Andalucia that lie west of a line running north from Gibraltar. (The rest of Andalucia is covered in Finding Birds in Eastern Andalucia)

Dave Gosney writes:
When I set about updating my 2009 book ‘Finding Birds in Andalucia’ I quickly realised I couldn’t fit it all into one book so I’ve split the area in two. This part covers the sites to the west of Gibraltar, from Tarifa to Huelva, including both sides of the Guadalquivir river, around the famous Coto Donana national park. The book reflects the changes that have occurred since 2009, pointing out, for example, which wetlands have gone completely but also which ones are as fabulous as ever. During my visit in 2024, waterbird species were easy enough to find, in the right places, but it was the landbird species, birds of steppe and rocky hillsides, which proved to be shockingly difficult. If you visit Andalucia you can’t fail to see lots of good birds but you’ll find that some sites no longer have the birds that used to be there. So, if you want to know where you can still find the declining species such as bustards, larks and Montagu’s Harriers, or ‘new’ species such as House Bunting, then you really need this book.’

Sites covered:

Olivares plains

Odiel Marshes The Coto Doñana including El Rocio, La Rocina, El Acebuche and Dehesa de Abajo

Brazo del Este including Pinzon marshes and Conde Chico

Los Palacios area including Humeda del Pantano and Laguna de la Mejorada

La Algaida wetlands including Laguna de Tarelo, Bonanza saltpans, Monte Algaida saltpans, Lagunas de Camino Colorado and Trebujena marismas

Jerez Lagoons including Laguna de Medina, Lagunas de Terry and the Lagunas de Puerto Real

Around Vejer for Bald Ibis, White-rumped Swift and Little Bustard La Janda

The Sierra de la Plata, Ojen valley and Los Alcornocales National Park

Gibraltar to Tarifa including Tarifa beach, Punta Carnera, El Cabrito and Cazalla watchpoints

Compared to other publications covering the same area, this one:

  • Provides the most useful maps - so you can easily find your way to the best bits of wetland, hillside or grasslands

  • Includes GPS co-ordinates to help you find the right turnings, parking spaces or viewing points

  • Highlights the best areas only - and summarises the key attraction in the first paragraph so you can easily decide whether to read on or bother to visit the site

  • Has a map on the inside cover which serves as an index so you can easily find any site in the book

  • Is light, portable and inexpensive

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